Web Design Resources


W3 SchoolsOnline tutorials for learning html, xhtml, php, css, & lots more
HTML Doctype DeclarationsUnderstand and apply doctypes to your html document at W3 Schools
HTML Color ChartHexadecimal color codes at W3 Schools
Hex Color ChartAnother color chart
HTML Quick List (pdf)List of basic HTML codes
CSS Quick List (pdf)List of basic CSS codes
Write Embedded CSS (pdf)Example of embedded CSS tag, class, and ID selector
Tables - HTML and CSS (pdf)How to create and style a table
CSS Box Model & Layouts (pdf)Drawing and explanation of the box model and how to create layouts
HTML Code TutorialsLearn HTML
Max Design CSS Layout TutorialsCSS layout examples with code
HTML GoodiesArticles, tips, and resources
W3C HTML Validation ServiceValidate the html on your website
Web ReferenceArticles, codes, and reference sheets
ACA Photoshop Prep.Preparation to take the ACA certification test.

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